Fernanda's Help Page
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Blogging and Adding Posts
Your site has been setup with the two main "Blogs". A blog is simply an archive of posts that can easily be updated with new content.
Your two main blogs are The Books and Articles.
The Books
This blog includes anything to do with your published novels, or soon to be released books. So in this blog would be the main book posts (description, buy links, quotes from you) and also reviews or any news directly related to one of your novels. This could include for example, one of your titles being adapted for stage, a review, or any significant cultural connection.
It is important you understand how Tags and Categories work within The Books blog.
Tags - these are how you set the Book being posted about.
Categories - this is the type of post you are publishing. The main categories are The Books, Book News, and Reviews.
If we wanted to post a new Review of Rat we would
1. Create the post in The Books blog
2. Set the Tag as Rat
3. Set the Category as Review”
With the Articles blog there are no categories to worry about. But you need to Tag the post with the name of the publication or website where the article was originally published.
If we wanted to post an article that appeared in Vogue we would
1. Create the post in the Articles blog
2. Set the Tag as Vogue”